Our Mission to Change a Million Children’s Lives

Imagine this....Every morning when our kids wake up, they feel radiantly alive, and happy. No matter what happens during their day, they have the confidence, resilience and inspiration to live life to the fullest.
That is the world we are committed to creating.
Our mission to change one million kids' lives -- one journal at a time
Hello! I’m Peter J. Liang, founder of Leadership4Kids and father of two. Thank you for visiting our blog.
For many years, I have been teaching kids authentic leadership skills through mind-body education and workshops, improving self-confidence, movement patterns, and presence.
After seeing countless examples of how a simple daily journal can help kids gain skills such as self-awareness, confidence and gratitude, I was inspired to get the journal used during my workshop published (thank you Dr. Caudle from Absolute Author Publishing House), so that more kids can benefit from this simple but mighty daily practice.
Through the power of our journals, we inspire kids to think bigger, achieve more, and live life to the fullest
Countless research have shown that when we journal, we are tapping into three authentic (self-authoring) powers. The Power of Now, as a way to enter into this present moment; the power of Gratitude, as a way to manifest life's goals and aspirations; and the Power of Reflection, as a way to learn from our mistakes and grow.
This is the message I have been teaching kids over the years. I truly believe that children are gifts from God and nothing makes me happier to work with kids and seeing them grow, develop, and fulfill their full potential. I always look at myself, not as a teacher, but an advocate for kids. As such, my role is not to give them more “information” but to help them preserve their authentic self.
As I share my mission with you today, I’m deeply grateful for your support over the years (I start to see how all the dots are connected now looking backwards), and just know that I’m committed to making this happen.
With great love and respect, I ask you to help a child develop the daily habit of journaling. It's one of the most powerful and profound gifts you can give to a child.
Thank you for reading this post and if you share the same mission, I would love to hear from you.